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Get your FREE selfhealer's tutorial now

Your 3-step tutorial to understand your body and energy field and start healing physically, mentally and emotionally today

Grab my FREE Self-healer tutorial and start healing today!

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Hi, my name is Natalia Kalkopf! I'm a holistic healing professional and it's my passion to teach people how to heal their bodies, their minds and their emotions.

Just imagine

In this 3-step tutorial, you'll learn...


Your Purpose

why physical symptoms as well as other problems fulfill a certain purpose and how, by dissolving the purpose, the symptoms or problems dissolve as well


Your Protective Mechanisms

how you might have initiated protective mechanisms that you are suffering from now and what to do about them


Your Emotions

the real function and meaning of emotions and why they are the key both to your physical and psycho-emotional healing and wellbeing


Your Setup

the multi-layered setup of your body and psyche and how understanding it is going to shift your health, your relationships and your life


Your Dissociation

what causes your dissociation (disconnecting from your body), how it affects you and how to fix it


Your Energy

to understand and recalibrate your own energy to finally upgrade your life starting TODAY

Start healing NOW

Grab your FREE 3-step tutorial

Grab my FREE Self-healer tutorial and start healing today!

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